Honoring Jaie Deschene with Web of Murder

by Mary Parker, Director of Web of Murder You meet a lot of amazing people while doing theater. Anyone who agrees to spend some of their valuable free time doing anything artistic is, at the very least, a kindred soul. In my experience it is hands down the easiest way to make friends as an adult. In the percolating broth of Boston area community theater, there are certain people that almost everyone knows. Jaie was one of those linchpins - a director, actor, singer, and overall multi talented person who was known and respected in every organization she worked with. Theatre@First was no exception, and her moving and powerful Trojan Women in 2014 was the first show I stage managed for. I would work with her again several times, as an actor, makeup helper, and costumer, and each time I learned something valuable. Not just from her, but from the clever and exciting people she surrounded herself with. Her death hit the community hard. If it had just been her bright light ext...