Revenge Takes Center Ring

by Mary Parker, Director of The Revenger's Tragedy The Revenger's Tragedy is a satire. Everything in the play is a bit too much - the villains are too despicable, the murders are too ridiculous, and the ending has too high of a body count. You know, just like the circus! But seriously, in this play (probably by Thomas Middleton but it was the Jacobean era so who knows) the characters are constantly putting on a show. Even some of their private actions are performed for the benefit of an outsider, like the Duchess who sleeps with her husband's bastard son for revenge on the husband. Spurio and the Duchess keep their affair a secret, and neither of them are really into it, so the whole purpose is to stick it to an audience (the Duke) who isn't even there. Soon, Theatre@First will hold auditions for my production of Revenger's . This show will be set at a failing 1940s circus, and will feature a band playing popular circus songs from the era. The D...