Caught Up in Complete Works

Cast members (from top) Sarah Brinks, Leslie Drecher, Kat Buckingham, Jason Merrill, Adam Schofield-Bodt, and Ryan Marchant rehearse with enthusiastic support from Director Mike Haddad. 

by Mike Haddad, Director of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

This show is 100% Grade A madcap insanity...and I wouldn't have it any other way. We have just finished blocking all the scenes in the show, and with each scene fresh ideas for added jokes, outdated pop culture references, and bizarre props have been suggested by cast and crew alike. This show has been a wonderful and truly collaborative effort thus far. I don't think I have ever laughed so much during a rehearsal process. Shakespeare nerd or not, this show is full of laughs, both of the high and low brow. 

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) shatters the fourth wall. While rehearsing and realizing the number of opportunities for audience interaction in the show, we started to discuss the idea of whom do we choose.  We discussed how there are some who will come to the show that will have absolutely zero desire to get caught up in the action. We are doing this show to make people laugh and have a good time. We don't want them feeling anxious every time the house lights come up that they might be picked to participate. The conclusion of this discussion led us to the idea of having a special sticker offered to all audience members as they come in that when seen by our cast tells them clearly that this person simply wants to watch and enjoy the show. 

The cast and crew have been doing an amazing job squeezing every ounce of comedy out of each page of this script and the results are completely hilarious.  I can't wait to have people come and see it!


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